Flexible & Scalable Purpose-Built Frac Solutions
Elevating Engine Technology

Lower Emission Dual Fuel
Recip-driven dynamic gas blend pumps with stage flexibility.

digiFrac Electric Frac Pump
Power agnostic electric frac system compatible with grid power and/or natural gas.

digiPrime Hybrid Frac Pump
The highest thermal efficiency pump in the market, capable of electrifying the site.

The Liberty Difference ▸
Safety & Service Quality
Liberty is committed to maintaining a high standard of safety and service quality, ensuring the well-being of our employees, customers, and contractors. This emphasis on safety enables us to deliver high-quality service that thrives on our long-term partnerships. Existing relationships with our customers, suppliers, and communities empower Liberty to continue to drive efficiency improvements, ultimately lowering the cost of producing a barrel of oil equivalent.
How Liberty Does Frac
Liberty’s frac design process includes reviewing past frac experience compared with well production to determine critical design issues, problem areas, and additional data requirements. This allows us to improve perforation cluster efficiency and develop frac sequencing that maximizes surface area and minimizes screen-out potential.
Our real-time WellWatch measurements keep a close eye on possible frac hits to help minimize production interference.
digiTechnologies ▸
Next-Generation Electric & Natural Gas Fueled Frac Fleets
The Liberty suite of digiTechnologies encompasses our digiFrac, digiPrime, and digiWire units, creating a modular system built to ensure the ideal combination of components on location to meet each job’s unique requirements.

Powering Our Fleets
The oilfield is undergoing a generational technology shift in fuel use from diesel to clean-burning natural gas, with Liberty at the forefront of this change. Liberty Power Innovations (LPI) bolsters Liberty’s technology transition by vertically integrating fueling and power services with compressed natural gas (CNG) supply, and well-site fueling and logistics.

Production and Economics ▸
Optimization Tools Maximize Efficiency Gains
Through direct measurement diagnostics of fracture growth, we ensure each shale well consumes fewer resources and has lower emissions while boasting higher productivity.
Leading In Low-Emissions
Liberty drives an ESG-conscious approach to hydraulic fracturing. Every new Liberty fleet built since 2013 has been low-emission. In partnership with our customers, Liberty develops holistic solutions for the most challenging urban interfaces where environmental, social, and governance concerns are paramount.