Containerized Sand
Last-mile logistics solution that dramatically reduces dust and noise on a frac location, while also reducing truck traffic for more…
Last-mile logistics solution that dramatically reduces dust and noise on a frac location, while also reducing truck traffic for more…
Lindsey Moore, Liberty Staff Engineer, reviews Liberty’s unsurpassed library of regained conductivity test (as conducted by PropTester), helping us to…
Ever wondered about the Modified Mayerhofer analysis in a DFIT evaluation. Oracle Doctor Mayerhofer himself explains Liberty’s DFIT analysis strategy.…
A DFIT provides vital anchor points for Liberty’s frac design recommendations. Liberty’s Director of Technology Mike Mayerhofer explains why. Download…
Liberty Hazard Communications Specialist Anita Stelly explains how we use a chemical additive rating program based on Global Health Systems…
Liberty partners with oil & gas operators to incorporate their in-house completion data in LibertyMVA and Fraconomics to create value.…
A Liberty methodology to evaluate potential swelling clays and the appropriateness of a KCl-substitute. Download PDF
Liberty’s modeling tools can help to maximize complexity and fracture surface area through the evaluation of various fracture treatment sequences…
Dr. Mike Mayerhofer, Liberty’s Director of Technology, provides his data-driven perspective on the impact of Brown Sand vs White Sand…
Pre-job screen-out assessment and evaluation of stage injectivity during fracture treatments as driven by proximity to faults and MWD/lateral log…
Liberty’s surface and interfacial tension measurements on drill cutting can help select the most appropriate and economic surfactant for the…
A discussion of potential challenges in the “perfs open” calculation of the rate stepdown test. Download PDF