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2023 Annual Report

Leading Technology Advancements in Completions Liberty Energy has a tremendous 2023, raising the bar again and smashing the records we set in 2022 for all…

Bettering Human Lives 2024

Liberty Energy has updated and expanded our Bettering Human Lives report. Issued in January 2024, the third edition of this report contains an in-depth look…

Streamlining Proppant Logistics with Sentinel

Liberty’s Sentinel platform stands out as an advanced system that can harness real-time data from every frac location to provide insight into current operations and…

Delivering Superior Service

At Liberty, we bring great people together in a culture of excellence to deliver superior service quality to our partners (customers). We are leaders in…

digiPrime Hybrid Frac System

digiPrime is the world's first natural gas hybrid frac pump, engineered and built by Liberty Energy. digiPrime is a piece of the full digiTechnologies℠ suite,…

2022 Annual Report

Human Liberty Through Energy Access Liberty had an outstanding year in 2022 with record-breaking earnings per share and annual revenue.

digiWire Electric Wireline

digiWire is a fully electric wireline unit compatible with all Liberty digiTechnologies℠ offerings. The lower ESG profile electric power removes the emission generation from prime…

Bettering Human Lives 2022

Liberty Energy has updated and expanded our Bettering Human Lives report. Issued in August 2022, this report contains an in-depth look at the importance of…

The Shale Revolution: Frac Fleet Emissions

While the benefits of the shale revolution are manifest, nothing comes for free. Nothing is without impact. Liberty and our whole industry work tirelessly to…

2021 Annual Report

A Legacy of Innovation Liberty did not stand still in 2021.

Bettering Human Lives 2020

It is simply not possible to discuss the environmental and social impacts of our industry without considering the environmental and human impacts of the absence…

Pressure Control Equipment

This week, Liberty’s Pressure Control Equipment Lead, Janet Fuchs, is breaking down each element of pressure control equipment used on wireline locations, as well as…

Greaseless Wireline Cables

Join Liberty Demand Management Engineer, Ryan Wachtstetter, as he discusses the different cable types in today’s industry as well as why greaseless wireline is the…

Perforating Guns

Liberty Account Representative, Grace Bol, discusses perforating guns: how they came about, how they are used, and the basic mechanics of this wireline component. Download…

Introduction to Wireline

Wireline Manager, Felix Dorante, gives a brief introduction into Liberty’s new product line and a basic overview on “What is Wireline?”

2020 Annual Report

Better. Faster. Resilient. In 2020 Liberty faced serious challenges, as did our industry, country, and the world. Despite the turbulent times of 2020, our operations…

How Do We Distinguish Net (Frac) Pressure from Friction Pressures?

Friction along the wellbore, through the perforations and the near-wellbore area of the fracture can hide from us what is truly happening with frac pressures…

What Is Net Pressure and Why Is It So Important?

In this home educational video, VP of Engineering, Leen Weijers, inflates the tire of his wheel barrow to introduce concepts of net pressure and closure…

Shale Well Evolution in Five Easy Pieces

Hydraulic Fracturing has been around since 1947 – and a lot has changed since then. Dr. Ouigee (Leen Weijers) breaks down the evolution of shale…

Natural Gas is Natural

Natural gas occurs naturally in many more places than you think. Doc Ouigee explores wetlands and ponds near his CO home to find natural gas…

Poisson’s Ratio

Liberty’s Doc Ouigee demonstrates in his Home Frac Lab how we can measure Poisson’s Ratio and why it is important for frac design optimization. Download…

Young’s Modulus

Fracking is not just about breaking rocks. It is also about pushing rock out of the way! How easy that is depends, amongst others, on…

Diversion Strategies

Diversion strategies during the frac can help maximize the number of perforation clusters that effectively take frac fluid and proppant, thus ensuring that these clusters…

Fracture Growth through Laminations

How much effort does it take to fracture rocks? Learn about fracture growth through laminations in this Liberty Educational Video with Dr. Leen Weijers. Download…

Minimizing Dollars Per Barrel of Oil

An update from Dr. Leen Weijers, Liberty’s VP of Engineering on continuing to minimize dollars per barrel of oil. This video expands on a presentation…

Frac Viscometers

Liberty’s Lab Manager, Joel Siegel, talks about the tools we use in our labs to to design fluid systems and ensure they behave as designed.…

Powder Versus Slurry

Liberty’s Engineering Manager, Ben Poppel provides a quick rundown of powder vs. slurry fluid systems and what solution is right for the job.

Tight Cluster Spacing

Looking for a quick overview on tight perf cluster spacing? Curious about how conductivity optimization should be performed? This video, featuring our Director of Technology,…

Porosity and Permeability

Discover the concepts of porosity and permeability and how they relate to frac’ing in this educational video from Liberty’s VP of Engineering, Dr. Leen Weijers.…

2019 Annual Report

Better. Faster. Cleaner. Liberty made great strides in 2019. Our passionate company culture, industry-leading technology, and shareholder-aligned incentives enable Liberty, together with our customers, to…

Well Watch

WellWatch brings off-pad well pressure and other data directly to the Liberty data van, where operators can use this information for more efficient frac-protects and…


Engineering Manager Ben Poppel discusses Liberty’s switch in product to improve chemical health and safety on location. Download PDF

Liberty Quiet Fleet

Liberty invention for urban fracking reduces noise level more than 3X as compared to a conventional fleet.

Using Neural Networks

Director of Technology, Mike Mayerhofer, talks about using neural networks to optimize completions in the Midland Basin. Download PDF

VorTeq Missile

Liberty’s President, Ron Gusek, explains how wear and tear on pumping equipment and iron on a frac location may be dramatically reduced through the use…

Flowloop Testing

Liberty’s Lab Director, Joel Siegel, discusses the benefits of using Liberty’s Flowloops to test the effectiveness and cost saving potential of different chemicals used in…

Inductively Coupled Plasma- Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES)

Joel Siegel, Liberty’s Lab Director, explains the uses of our ICP-OES apparatus’. These machines test for elements in produced water that can cause formation damage…

Engineering Services – Spiral Up

Liberty’s wide range of engineering services help our customers “spiral up” from data to value. Our VP of Engineering, Leen Weijers, walks you through the…

Fighting the Fear

In this video, Liberty’s Engineering Manager, Ben Poppel, addresses the preconceived notions that both ultra-low polymer cross-linked gels and high viscosity polyacrylamide fluid systems are…

Friction Reducer Selection

Senior Technical Sales Engineer, Kyle George, gives a brief overview of the methodology Liberty uses to evaluate friction reducers and how we select them from…

How Do I Place and Space My Wells?

Determining the proper well spacing in shale development is a multi-million dollar question. Dr Mike Mayerhofer shows how Liberty can help with calibrated frac and…

Liberty Top 10

Liberty CEO, Chris Wright, shares his top 10 reasons to love oil and gas. Download PDF

Log Library

Learn more about the Log Library Liberty uses, and why this matters to you. Download PDF

Net Fracturing Pressure and Slurry Efficiency

Need a refresher on net fracturing pressure and slurry efficiency? This video is for you! VP of Engineering, Leen Weijers, walks you through concepts that…

Perf Cluster Strategies

Plug&perf and a limited entry perforation strategy can create more control over the fracture initiation process and a more favorable near-wellbore fracture geometry. Download PDF

Proppant Testing

Since 2013, Liberty has been collecting and testing samples of proppant from every single pad we have fracked. This is done to ensure our customers…


Engineering Manager Ben Poppel explains that acid-replacement SpearPoint has the same bottom hole reactivity to open perforations without the HSE-impact for our employees to handle…

Tensiometer Testing

Why would you spend money on a tensiometer? Liberty Lab Manager Joel Siegel explains why it’s worth it. Download PDF

The Next Generation of Fracturing Fleets, A Liberty ESG Evaluation

A new whitepaper from Roy Aune, Chris Wright, and Madison Hollaway that analyzes a parallel shift towards natural gas’ growing role in powering hydraulic fracturing…

Bacteria Monitoring

Presence of bacteria can have a long-term impact on reservoir performance. Liberty Sr. Staff Engineer Kyle George explains that Liberty can monitor for bacteria during…

Containerized Sand

Last-mile logistics solution that dramatically reduces dust and noise on a frac location, while also reducing truck traffic for more efficient delivery.

Regain Conductivity Testing

Lindsey Moore, Liberty Staff Engineer, reviews Liberty’s unsurpassed library of regained conductivity test (as conducted by PropTester), helping us to recommend and utilize fluid systems…

DFIT Analysis

Ever wondered about the Modified Mayerhofer analysis in a DFIT evaluation. Oracle Doctor Mayerhofer himself explains Liberty’s DFIT analysis strategy. Download PDF

Liberty’s DFIT Services

A DFIT provides vital anchor points for Liberty’s frac design recommendations. Liberty’s Director of Technology Mike Mayerhofer explains why. Download PDF

Green Select

Liberty Hazard Communications Specialist Anita Stelly explains how we use a chemical additive rating program based on Global Health Systems to help make greener selections…

Better Well Data

Liberty partners with oil & gas operators to incorporate their in-house completion data in LibertyMVA and Fraconomics to create value. Download PDF

Clay Sensitivity Testing

A Liberty methodology to evaluate potential swelling clays and the appropriateness of a KCl-substitute. Download PDF

Frac Sequencing

Liberty’s modeling tools can help to maximize complexity and fracture surface area through the evaluation of various fracture treatment sequences in multi-well completions. Download PDF

Local Sand v. White Sand

Dr. Mike Mayerhofer, Liberty’s Director of Technology, provides his data-driven perspective on the impact of Brown Sand vs White Sand on oil production in the…

Screen-Out Assessment

Pre-job screen-out assessment and evaluation of stage injectivity during fracture treatments as driven by proximity to faults and MWD/lateral log properties. Download PDF

Selecting Surfactants

Liberty’s surface and interfacial tension measurements on drill cutting can help select the most appropriate and economic surfactant for the job. Download PDF

Stepdown Test

A discussion of potential challenges in the “perfs open” calculation of the rate stepdown test. Download PDF


Liberty determines statistical production drivers and combines this with fracture treatment cost sensitivities to minimize our client’s production cost per barrel oil ($/BO). Download PDF

Sonic Strap System

An ultra-sonic measurement of fluid levels in tanks to more safely and accurately determine consumed chemical additive volumes during a frac job. Download PDF

Viscosity v. Elasticity

Elasticity measurements at low shear rates in high-viscosity friction reducers (HVFR) can help reduce fluid cost and ensure efficient transport of proppant. Download PDF


Liberty provides a proprietary viewer of completion and production data for liquid-rich basins to help operators spot trends in production drivers. Download PDF


Statistical analysis that provides an assessment of independent completion and geological parameters that drive production. Download PDF

Spirit Fluid System

An ultra-low concentration frac fluid system that can help reduce job cost and reservoir damage. Download PDF

Grocery Store-Sourced Frac Fluid

Did you know that frac fluid can be made using simple products available at your local grocery store? Our lab manager, Joel, whips up a…

Frac Initiation

Liberty’s Rock Doc and VP of Engineering, Dr. Leen Weijers, has three experiments to explain how fractures start to grow.

Frac Fluid: A Quick Home Mixing Guide

A simple frac fluid with high viscosity can be made using a four commonly-used grocery-sourced materials.

Fracture Model Calibration

Liberty’s unique tech team background has always forcused on learning from direct fracture diagnostics. Fracture model calibration is the first step in understanding the economic…

Breaking Up Is Hard to Do

The signature Liberty 2Cs Design creates fracs with Complexity with sufficient Conductivity to result in some of the best Bakken producers. Liberty’s method of breaking…

The Value Proposition: A Frac Is Not a Frac

Completion engineers and geologists always argue about where credit is due for better producing wells: better rock or better fracs? We have developed a comparison…

A Slippery Slope for Friction Reducers in Produced Water

As the shale development progresses, the industry seeks to apply more sustainable practices which includes the recycling of produced water. It is on a slippery…

A Method to the Madness

Anyone can conduct multi-variate analysis (MVA) and come up with correlations between possible cause and effect. But the results can often be complete madness. It…

A Fine Line between Numerator and Denominator

Many things change during an industry downturn, but one goal always remains: a need to reduce cost per produced barrel of oil equivalent, or in…

Great Spirits Lower – per BOE

For several years prior to 2014 the DJ Basin was a service company paradise, where the completion method was directed by service companies at the…

Tremendous Fracs in the Piceance

Black Hills Exploration and Production helped substantiate the USGS estimate by completing a number of 8,000- to 10,000-foot horizontal wells in the Niobrara Formation in…

2018 Annual Report

Better. Faster. Stronger. From day one, our mission at Liberty has been singular: Build the best damn frac company, period. That is it. I can…

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